Saturday, March 14, 2015


In best priority order as can be posted: 1- Connecting with intelligent people intensely, passionately for learning and for fun stuff. People who are smarter, stronger & healthier than me are my favorites. Family relations are a mixed bag: In concept family is a beautiful gift if we could all digest somehow that humans are far from perfect. But because of it's assumed definition, a family member shouldn't disturb, bug, bother or ever do anything that might hurt another member of the same family. And that has been impossible up till now by any humans or animals. In concept however I adore any opportunity to be close with members of my or actually any loving family. Currently (2115)because of media dirt being so elusive if you don't really know me intimately the odds of you believing how much I adore all folks can easily be zero. 2- Action sports: Snow Boarding, Wake Boarding, Surfing (I suck at surfing but want to learn), Boxing, Motorcycling, general athletic exorcize like running, swimming, mountainous hiking were most popular but any activity that increases heart rate, breathing & sweating is great. Skate Boarding is cool also; more basic carving than tricks but I'd love to have time for skateboard parks also. In the days of the original, Bahne skateboard, Cadillac Wheels of polyurethane and Chicago trucks carving was called "swaying"... Riding a mountain bike is also fun, I usually just ride for exorcise but love riding with family or buddies much more. If there was time I'd seek football with younger men but I'd only want to play tackle with (or without) uniform. In little league & high school I was a halfback but currently being a fullback would be satisfying. Not sure how good I'd be at under 6 feet tall, under 200 LBS but I am ready, emotionally, to bash head first into or through anyone or anything with the opportunity. I've always loved this but within the last few years I've grown so disenchanted with BS in my world that anger might've created a better fullback. Similar, even more so is boxing. > WHY DOES JULES LOVE AGGRESSIVE CONTACT IN COMPETITION? Whats ironic about me in addition to most tough guys that like beating the crap out of each other is that we are usually quite peaceful, friendly men. This may or may not be displayed on the outside but I've noticed that all fighters & physically aggressive sportsmen are quite sweet in deeper, spiritual ways. For me its a form of ventilation as I think most aggressive athletes may agree. > WHY IS FIGHTING SPORT MORE FAIR & HONEST THAN OTHER SPORTS OR ISSUES OF "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO JULES"?. Because in concept a legal boxing (or MMA) match starts with only 2 people, evenly matched at similar specifications like weight, size, experience & conditioning. They agree beforehand to literally maim each other, fair & square. Rules apply to both fighters as even as seemingly possible. There is no team except corner people who have no contact with opponent; only advise & physical repair between rounds. Unfair tactics are controlled by the referee who watches them extremely close. 3- Reading, learning via research & writing as I am now. 4- Ill add to this later...

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